Oriental Morticians Prepare Dead Bodies

Oriental Morticians Prepare Dead Bodies. Repeat steps one and two on the other leg. Bring Colour To Skin. mage Credit: Pixabay - aleksejh.

Tie a ligature around the lower side of the tube. It was during these six steps that morticians worked on the remains of Army Spc. Purging refers to "leakage" from the mouth or the nose.

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What does a mortician do to a dead body?

Without morticians, open casket funerals would be a disaster and there would be dead bodies piling up in the streets! In the modern procedure of embalming, the blood is drained from one of the veins and replaced by a fluid, usually based on Formalin (a solution of formaldehyde in water), injected into one of the main arteries. Morticians have to wear protective gear while picking up and tending to corpses.

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