V I P Korean Movie Plot Summary
V I P Korean Movie Plot Summary. Her job as a member of the VIP Management Team is to satisfy their top one percent of customers who are the special VIPs and VVIPs. Jung Sun is a competent and successful career woman who works as a deputy manager at Sung Woon Department Store.
P." is a very slow burn, talky movie which centers, mainly, on the struggle between men. The reception was largely negative, with. It has an all-star cast, including Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor, Louis Jourdan, Elsa Martinelli.
The movie depicts the following events as South Korea, North Korea and Interpol start chasing down after him.
Genre: Action Crime Thriller Thanks for watching.
Cast:Jang Dong Gun,Kim Myung Min,Park Hee Soon,Lee Jong Suk. P." is a very slow burn, talky movie which centers, mainly, on the struggle between men. Lee might seem miscast as the.
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