Japanese Horror Movie 70 S
Japanese Horror Movie 70 S. A psychological thriller of a grieving mother turned cold-blooded avenger with a twisty master plan to pay back those who were responsible for her daughter's death. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms.

The Best Japanese Horror Movies From folk tales to body horror to monster movies, Japan's cinema finds new ways to thrill and disturb audiences.
These are the best Japanese horror movies.
You know the classics, of course: movies like The Exorcist, The Omen, Halloween, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The Hills Have Eyes, Dawn of the Dead, Carrie and others all became horror landmarks, while even old staples like British studios Hammer and Amicus. Japanese horror (also known as J-horror) is horror fiction arising from popular culture in Japan, generally noted for its unique thematic and conventional treatment of the horror genre differing from the traditional Western representation of horror. Wish I could find good copy of this movie later.
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